This Alternative Movie poster has been created by Amien Juugo for the Film John Wick 2, starring Keanu Reeves. Essentially John Wick is an Assassin who kills a great deal of people in a short amount of time.
This alternative movie poster is a limited edition of 30, printed on very thick paper and has a matt finish with superb levels of detail.
Artist: Amien Juugo
Title: John Wick 2
Medium: Print
Year: 2017
Edition: 30
Size: 61 x 45.7cm
Signed: No
Numbered: Yes
Framed: No this print is unframed
This poster will be shipped in a very sturdy postal tube:
Royal Mail 1st class signed for and tracked to the UK £8
European shipping signed and tracked £15
For shipping outside Europe please email for a quote specific to your country